100% Grassfed Colostrum Powder

100% Grassfed Colostrum Powder

2.11 oz (30 day supply)

Our colostrum comes from cows that graze on organic, 100% grassfed, regenerative farms.

Benefits of colostrum:

Boost Immune System: High concentration of immunoglobulins (IgA and IgG) forms a protective barrior againts pathogins and reduces inflammation.

Promote Gut Health: Lactoferrin, oligosaccharides, and proline-rich peptides (PRPS) enhance gut health, reduce bloating, and foster beneficial bacteria.

Support Muscle Growth: Growth factors (IGF-1 and TGF-B) aid in muscle repair and post-workout recovery.

Combat Aging: Growth factors promote skin cell regeneration, reduce wrinkles, and support healthy nail & hair growth. 

Improve Cognitive Function: Sialic acts as a messenger, transmitting vital information throughout the body.

Enhance Sleep Quality: Lactoferrin supports gut microbiota, optimizing neurotransmitter production for better sleep.

This item also ships! We will provide a quote for shipping and handling which is usually between $8-$15 depending on your location!

Ethical Sourcing: Calves receive colostrum first before any extra is collected.

Low Heat Processing: Preserves the natural nutrient density without skimming, altering, or adding anything.

True Golden Color: Indicates high Omega-3's and high levels of Vitmains A & D.